mel mcveigh studio

A Chance of Love (Photobook)

A Chance of Love (Photobook)


Self Published: Photography, Text + Design by Mel McVeigh

Limited Edition Photobook
500 copies
144 pages
280mm x 150mm
Languages: English, Spanish, French

The photobook acts as a companion to the portraits and includes portraits, poems and WhatsApp conversations between me and the men I dated surrounded by the tinder typologies of the swipe left / right generation. All the men agreed to share these personal conversations and the ones that didn't - they were removed. They have been anonymised, yet not redacted to create a non-linear storyline of what two people in private talk about in the quest for intimacy. 

Navigating the need to be desired.

The book can be read front to back, back to front, its story started anywhere and one which could be reflective of any relationship, even your own.

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