Mel McVeigh

part time lovers ⁠

Mel McVeigh
part time lovers ⁠

Fuck only no public appearance - Suburban Australia


The rains have fallen to thunderous applause⁠
Smells of new beginnings⁠
Red dust washed away⁠
You came back with coffee⁠
I was not here⁠

Stolen lyrics⁠
I want something just like this⁠
How much do you want to risk⁠
Fairytale bliss ⁠
Stolen memories⁠
Part time lovers ⁠
I threw your shit down the stairs ⁠
Somebody I can kiss ⁠

I do not know how to love⁠
It fills the air with silent songs and moonlight caresses⁠
I stand at the door with an antique key and a digital connection⁠
Hidden behind the black mirror that paints a world happier than mine⁠


I like the bubble we are in right now⁠
The lights shine bright so much I squint⁠


Sweet soft scents surrounds us⁠
Yet the smell of you is gone⁠
I live in my body all the time⁠
You can inhabit it anytime⁠


How did it end like this?⁠
I waited by the phone for your voice ⁠
I picked up my pen to write you a letter⁠
I started many times but I never got past the first line⁠